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We’ve been getting e-mails asking how to leave a comment on this website.  To do so, look under the caption for the blog you are reading and you’ll see (in very small print) the date, by Jean,No comment yet (or comment with a number)- click on “comment” when the hand icon pops up and it will pull up a screen where you can leave a comment.

Caution:  Your comment can be viewed publically, so if you don’t want everyone to read it, you can still e-mail us at

We’re so glad you are enjoying our website.  We love hearing from you.


  1. Al Albrecht says:


    Thanks for the advice on how to post comments.

    You guys are “livin’ the dream”. So happy for you.

    Al & Marsha Albrecht

  2. Christopher & Caterina says:

    Dear Garry and Jean
    It was so good to meet you both on Manjack (and thanks again for the rescue!).
    Although you gave us your card we have managed to mislay it during our return to the UK and unpacking.
    We do want to be in touch, and to let you know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Hopefully you’ll get this and we can communicate directly.
    Much love
    Caterina and Christopher

    1. Jean says:

      Caterina and Christopher,
      Talk about a LATE reply. This has to be the worse ever. I don’t usually check our blog site anymore, since I haven’t blogged for an extremely long time. However, we just had to update something on this site and I saw your message. My sincere apologies. I will email you from my email address so we can connect again via a means I routinely check. Wishing you well, Jean

  3. qFW8MR I think this is a real great blog post. Fantastic.

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