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Holiday Sailing


What a beautifully glorious day to begin our holiday season aboard White Swan. The weather was a comfortable 68 degrees with blue, sunny skies and a nice wind for sailing down the Indian River Lagoon.

After numerous delays, for various reasons, we finally left port. Our fellow sailors, Pat, Tom, Doug, and Ed bid us farewell around 12:45 PM. After a month of hearing from us we were going to leave, I think they wanted to witness the fact we truly left. How many times does one need to say goodbye before the Glenns really leave???

The ICW from Melbourne to Sebastian, Florida is trickled with little islands and is one of the most picturesque sections of the waterway, in my opinion. The water became a little shallow in one area. It was of no concern to us because we can motor in two feet of water with our boat, but we always think of our friends who have boats with five and six feet drafts (the part of a boat that is under the water’s surface). They would have been bumping the bottom of the waterway.

We saw numerous dolphins today. They followed our boat for a short distance as we were coming out of the Banana River, and we saw some more in the Lagoon as we neared Sebastian.

We were anchored by 5:15 PM just past the Sebastian Inlet, on the opposite shore at marker Red 66. (Reminder for non-boaters: The green and red waterway markers are guides for boaters like road signs are for land lubber‘s.) Now it’s time for the galley slave to resume her duties and prepare dinner for the captain…who did an excellent job today on the waterway.

We thoroughly enjoyed being out on the water again, aboard White Swan. We are both equally passionate for this lifestyle (it’s more than a hobby) and the good fortune of that fact does not elude us.


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